シェイクスピアの名台詞〜Memorable Speech from Shakespeare〜

Her bed is India; there she lies, a pearl;

TROILUS. Her bed is India; there she lies, a pearl;1幕1場

例えば最初期の作品The Comedy of Errorsの一節と比べてみるとよく分る。

O, train me not, sweet mermaid, with thy note,
To drown me in thy sister's flood of tears.
Sing, siren, for thyself, and I will dote;
Spread o'er the silver waves thy golden hairs,
And as a bed I'll take them, and there he;
And in that glorious supposition think
He gains by death that hath such means to die.(The Comedy of Errors, III.ii.45-51)

これだけの詩句を費やしてもTroilus and Cressidaのたった一行に追いつかないのだ。

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